LEANN HANOVER - A very loyal fan from Lakeland, Leann is also a wife and mother. Her family might not understand her Alias fixation, but the rest of us sure do.

DAN CLARENDON - A relative late-comer to the series, Dan started watching Alias just this season. However, after seeing Syd incinerate a car with a single gunshot in Prague (while looking incredibly sexy at the same time) in the season premiere, Dan was hooked. Since then, he has seen the complete first and second seasons and now considers himself quite obsessed.

JANE OLIVER - Jane is a die-hard Alias fan. No, die-hard doesn't quite explain it. Jane lives and breathes Alias. Hell hath no fury like Jane if anyone says one word against the show. And who can blame her?

THE STEVENS SISTERS - Callie, Courtney, and Molly are also fans from the begininng. They started watching the series after their grandmother tipped them off. Now, their collective hearts go a-twitter whenever Michael Vartan appears.


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