2011 Primies: Best Shows

By on Jan 30, 2012 in The Primies |

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My year-end accolades (or year-beginning ones, as the case may be) always come with a disclaimer: I haven’t watched all the awesome TV out there. There’s no Boardwalk Empire on this list, no Homeland, no Game of Thrones… and I can’t even award Breaking Bad because I’ve only seen three episodes of this year’s season! But, c’mon, every TV critic must be missing out on something worthwhile… at least, those TV critics with social lives. (And I should know—I used to not have one to speak of!) Anyway, enough navel-gazing. Of the shows I’ve followed consistently, here are my favorites.

  1. American Horror Story
  2. The Good Wife (2010: #8)
  3. Modern Family (2010: #4)
  4. Justified (2010: #10)
  5. Dexter
  6. Parenthood
  7. Community (2010: #5)
  8. Parks and Recreation (2010: #7)
  9. Fringe (2010: #6)
  10. True Blood