I’m on a quest to re-watch every episode of Lost, one per day. As I polish off each DVD, I’ll post my thoughts on the episodes contained therein. “The Greater Good” SYNOPSIS: Kate is able to get Jack back to camp, and the survivors hold a funeral for Boone. Locke shows up and says it was his fault and explains about the plane. Jack attacks Locke for lying and leaving Boone to die, but then Jack collapses. Kate drugs him with sleeping pills, and he has himself a little nap. Locke tries to apologize to Shannon, but she asks Sayid to “take care” of Locke. Sayid makes Locke take him to the plane to rescue its radio parts. Trying to win Sayid’s trust, Locke admits that he foiled Sayid’s triangulation efforts so that Sayid wouldn’t lead anyone into the “dark territory.” Sayid is pissed but decides not to shoot Locke. He asks Locke about the hatch...